5 Common Reasons Business Owners Do Not Have  A Website

1. “My business does not need a website"
2. “A Website Costs Too Much Money” or “It’s Too Expensive”
3. “I Don’t Have Time” or “I’m Too Busy”
4. “I Can Build One Myself”
5. “I Have a Facebook Page”

5 Common Reasons Business Owners Do not have  Website

QuickSites Agency
5 Common Reasons Business Owners Do Not Have a Website

“My business does not need a website “A Website Costs Too Much Money” or “It’s Too Expensive” “I Don’t Have Time” or “I’m Too Busy” “I Can Build One Myself” “I Have a Facebook Page”
Please do not fall into what seems as a reasonable reason, but, in reality is a mistake.

It’s important to be prepared for any possible reason why a business owner might say they do not have or need a website. Not only is it helpful to know what they might say, it’s more important to know how to eliminate these excuses by addressing their real underlying concerns with valuable solutions. By being prepared to address any uncertainties they may have, you're also educating them on the benefits of having a website for their business and further show them why you're the right person for the job.
The 5 Most Common Sales Objections Web Designers Face and How to Overcome Them

When prospecting for potential website clients, it’s important to be prepared for any possible reason why a business owner may say that they do not have or need a website. Not only is it helpful to know what they might say, it’s more important to know how to eliminate these excuses by addressing their real underlying concerns with valuable solutions. By being prepared to address any uncertainties they may have, you're also educating them on the benefits of having a website for their business and further show them why you're the right person for the job. 

1. “My Business Does Not Need a Website”

Any business that seriously says this is in trouble and is on the path to extinction. While business may be good today, nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. Every business, in every industry, in every market needs a website to stay competitive, attract new customers and continue to grow. The internet is the #1 source of information for customers searching for local businesses. Every day, there are millions of local searches for every business, industry and service imaginable. A business without a search-friendly website will not be found. There is no exception to the fact that every small business can benefit from a website.

Here are some reasons why EVERY business needs a website:
  • A website earns trust and builds credibility
  • A website offers current customers immediate and 24/7 access to important information about a business like: hours of operation, menus and contact information
  • A website attracts potential new customers searching for related products or services nearby
  • A website allows a business owner to effectively and affordably communicate with their customers
  • A website can generate leads and online sales
  • A website can help keep a business at top of mind for customers
  • A website can differentiate a business from the competition providing compelling reasons why a customer should choose them.

2. “A Website Costs Too Much Money” or “It’s Too Expensive”

While traditional website design can easily exceed thousands of dollars for a basic website, SiteSwan enables you to create beautiful, professional websites for small businesses in the fraction of the time and therefore, at a fraction of the price. SiteSwan resellers have access to more than 150 website themes, which are already optimized for SEO. With SiteSwan, you can satisfy businesses with even the smallest budgets.

Consider this: according to WebFX, the average cost of a small business website is between $2,000 - $9,000 (source). Even on the low end, these prices are considerably more than what most SiteSwan website resellers charge. When speaking to prospective clients, you can use this to your advantage when pitching your web design service as it gives you a clear competitive advantage.

Nevertheless, it’s important to address the prospect’s concerns about price. To do that, demonstrate the value of what you are offering by explaining all of the benefits that are included in both the setup and monthly service fee.

Website Setup Includes
  • A professional website customized for their business
  • 100% Responsive design that works on all tablets, smartphones and mobile devices
  • Beautiful site imagery and professionally written content
  • Connect their domain name and publish their website
  • Search engine optimization
  • Fast turnaround and friendly service

Monthly Service Includes
  • Super-reliable website hosting
  • SSL Certificate for website security
  • Perpetual compatibility ensures their site will always work with the latest browsers, operating systems and devices
  • Site login credentials so they can make their own updates
  • Do-it-for-you updates saving them time and headaches (if you choose to offer this)
  • Built-in real-time traffic statistics
  • Friendly, local and reliable support
  • No hidden fees

3. “I Don’t Have Time” or “I’m Too Busy”

The two most important things to a small business owner are time and money. Running a small business is a very difficult task, especially with limited resources. Many small business owners wear multiple hats, handling different daily tasks and they constantly struggle with time management. Even when a small business owner recognizes the need for a website, simply carving out the time to begin the process can prove to be a huge hurdle. Not having the time (or knowing where) to look for a website designer is a common excuse among small business owners.

Ease their concerns by recognizing that their time is valuable and that a website won’t interfere with them running their business. Explain the simple approach you will take and that you will handle everything from start to finish including monthly updates so they can focus on their business. Explain how easy the process is and that it will require minimal involvement on their part. Offer to create a free demo design to get the ball rolling and assure them that you can build their entire website quickly without dragging out the process or interfering with their day-to-day operations.

4. “I Can Build One Myself”

Most small businesses assume the only way to get their business online is to hire an expensive design agency or try to build a website themselves using one of those DIY platforms. This is big mistake. While the commercials make site building look easy, most small businesses who attempt to create a site on their own quickly discover how difficult and time-consuming it can be. The majority of business owners will abandon the process altogether, feeling frustrated and overwhelmed as they discover the headaches and hidden fees involved in the process.

DIY sites are often left incomplete, poorly designed, riddled with ads and practically invisible to search engines and potential customers. Building a website themselves can cause more harm than good by sending the wrong message and turning off potential customers. With SiteSwan you have the ability to offer your clients a professional website solution they will be proud of without the expensive “Agency” price tag, saving them time, money and frustration. Build sites faster, easier and more affordably than ever before.

If a prospect tells you they plan on building a website themselves, you might want to start by politely asking “Why haven’t you already?” If they reply that they haven’t had the time, you can challenge them by asking “What makes them think they will have the time now?” and explain all of the drawbacks with this decision and the benefits of working with you.

5. “I Have a Facebook Page”

Some business owners think that they don't need a website because they already have a company Facebook Page. While social media is a great marketing tool, it’s certainly not a replacement or substitute for having your own website. The best way to overcome this objection is knowing the differences between the two and the advantages of having both.

As a SiteSwan Reseller, you have access to professionally-designed marketing materials in the Resources section of your Dashboard, including our “Facebook Page vs. Website” infographic. It outlines some of the main differences between the two and why every business still needs a website regardless of how many Likes their Facebook page has. The bottom line is social media is not a substitution for a website but can be a valuable extension of your brand and a helpful component of your overall marketing efforts. While a Facebook Page can be beneficial, a website is where your customers can always go first for accurate, trustworthy information about your business, without a Facebook login.

Building and selling websites is not brain surgery through the QuickSites Agency platform.  Over the next few weeks, I will be sending you lots of information that I will eventually place on the website as a part of our overall encouragement.